Doctoral Thesis Dissertation

Doctoral Thesis Dissertation
Mr. Yudi Pranoto (AEC017084), a candidate for Doctor of Engineering in Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Systems and Engineering FoS, SERD will have his final examination on Friday, 3 September 2004, at 10:00 a.m. in room 216, AFE Bldg.

AIT Conference Center Functions

AIT Conference Center Functions
30 August - 5 September 2004

Group Name/Organizer

Mon.30 Aug.
Education Management and Trainer Training (SESIP-3)
c/o K. Voravate, AIT, Tel. 5279

Tue. 31 Aug.


World Bank Workshop
c/o K. Nilamol, AITE, Tel.

AIT Conference Center Functions

AIT Conference Center Functions
30 August - 5 September 2004

Group Name/Organizer

Mon.30 Aug.
Education Management and Trainer Training (SESIP-3)
c/o K. Voravate, AIT, Tel. 5279

Tue. 31 Aug.


World Bank Workshop
c/o K. Nilamol, AITE, Tel.



The School of Environment, Resources and Development welcomes the following new faculty members who have joined AIT in August 2004 semester as follows:

Prof. Peter Robinson (right), has joined the Urban Environmental Management Field of Study as a Visiting Professor for a period of one month from August 1, 2004. He is currently a Professor on the Planning Programme at the School of Architecture, Planning and Housing, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

CIDA-AIT holds first advisory meeting

CIDA-AIT holds first advisory meeting

On 19 August 2004, the CIDA-AIT SEA-UEMA project members held its first advisory meeting at AIT. The welcome remarks was addressed by Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost, followed by a presentation by Prof. A.T. M. Nurul Amin, Coordinator UEM FoS and Project Director and Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon, Associate Professor, UEM and Project Applications Coordinator.



The School of Environment, Resources and Development welcomes the following new faculty members who have joined AIT in August 2004 semester as follows:

Prof. Peter Robinson (right), has joined the Urban Environmental Management Field of Study as a Visiting Professor for a period of one month from August 1, 2004. He is currently a Professor on the Planning Programme at the School of Architecture, Planning and Housing, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

CIDA-AIT holds first advisory meeting

CIDA-AIT holds first advisory meeting

On 19 August 2004, the CIDA-AIT SEA-UEMA project members held its first advisory meeting at AIT. The welcome remarks was addressed by Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost, followed by a presentation by Prof. A.T. M. Nurul Amin, Coordinator UEM FoS and Project Director and Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon, Associate Professor, UEM and Project Applications Coordinator.

AIT Orientation Day

New students (above) queue at the orientation seminar registration and listen to briefings (below) from AIT officials

AIT Orientation Day

Approximately 788 new students have enrolled at AIT for the August 2004 intake. The Institute, on 16 August 2004, held an orientation seminar for the new students at the AIT Conference Center.