AIT Conference Center Functions

AIT Conference Center Functions
May 10 - May 16, 2004

Group Name/Organizer

Mon. 10 May


Project Management (PM)
c/o Mr.Pradeep, AITE, Tel: 5274

Training for AITCV in Management ERP Project
c/o Dr. Voratas, SAT, Tel: 6601

Organizational Financial Planning & Cost
Control (OFPCC)
c/o Mr. Anil, AITE, Tel: 5273

Final Exam: ED78.08 (56 persons)


New Appointment

New Appointment

The Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Teresita Cruz del Rosario (left) as Visiting Associate Professor with effect from 19 April 2004. She is on leave from the Asian Institute of Management based in Manila where she serves as Associate Professor at the School for Development Management.

Visiting AIT

Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President welcomes Prof. Colin N. Peiris (left), Quality Assurance Specialist, IRQUE Project and Prof. L. L. Ratnayake (second from left), Vice Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka.

Visiting AIT

On April 26, 2004, Prof.

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor

I am pleased to announce the bestowal of the title of Emeritus Professor to Professor Peter Edwards (left). This award was endorsed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees at its meeting on 19 April 2004.

This award was made in recognition of Professor Edwards' continuous distinguished service as an AIT full Professor before his retirement, as well as his outstanding international professional status and significant academic contributions to the Institute through teaching, publications and professional work.

Executive Committee held first meeting

Executive Committee held first meeting

The Executive Committee (ExCom) met for the first time this year on April 19. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Kopr Kritayakirana, Chairman of the Executive Committee. It was also attended by H.E. Mr. Jan Axel Nordlander, Ambassador of Sweden and Vice-Chairman of the Board and the Executive Committee, and other EXCom members.

Promotions to Professorial Rank

Promotions to Professorial Rank

I am pleased to announce that the Executive Committee at its 19 April 2004 meeting endorsed the promotion to the rank of Professor of Dr Ajit Annachhatre, SERD/Environmental Engineering & Management Field of Study, and of Dr Kanchana Kanchanasut, SAT/Computer Science Field of Study.

New Appointment

New Appointment

The Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Teresita Cruz del Rosario (left) as Visiting Associate Professor with effect from 19 April 2004. She is on leave from the Asian Institute of Management based in Manila where she serves as Associate Professor at the School for Development Management.

Visiting AIT

Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President welcomes Prof. Colin N. Peiris (left), Quality Assurance Specialist, IRQUE Project and Prof. L. L. Ratnayake (second from left), Vice Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka.

Visiting AIT

On April 26, 2004, Prof.