Visiting AIT

On Monday, March 31, 2003 a delegation of faculty, staff and students from the School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan visited AIT. The group was composed of Prof. Kunio Sawaya, Chairman of International Exchange Committee; Dr. Mikiko Nakajima, Assistant Professor; Dr. Hirokazu Moriya, Assistant Professor; Mr. Tustomu Ujiie, Academic Affairs Section; Ms. Yukiko Hayasaka, Librarian and 9 students.

RE-Source Award for Sustainable Watershed Management

RE-Source Award for Sustainable Watershed Management

The AIT community is pleased to learn that the project proposal jointly developed by Dr. Gopal B. Thapa and Dr. Michael Albert Zoebisch, with the assistance of Mr. Bishnu Hari Pandit, a doctoral student in the School of Environment, Resources and Development, has been declared as one of the three winners of the 2002 RE-Source Award for Sustainable Watershed Management, out of 105 project proposals submitted from all over the world.

MacArthur Grant Natural Resources (NRM) faculty

MacArthur Grant Natural Resources (NRM) faculty

SERD and the AIT community extend sincere congratulations to Dr. Edward Web and the NRM for winning The MacArthur Foundation Grant. The grant is a recognition of their research competence and the useful works being done in NRM and SERD.

The grant carries a support for a three-year research and conservation project in the mountains of central Vietnam, sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation, USA. It will support academic, research and outreach activities of scholars in the Center for the study of Rural Populations and Forest Resources (RUPAFOR) in the NRM field of study.

Visiting AIT

From left: Mr. Hirofumi Nakasone, Member of the House of Councillors, Parliament of Japan; Mr. Katsuya Kamiya, Secretary to Mr. Nakasone; Mr. Tomita; Mr. Asahi; Capt. Sugaya and Mr. Amornchai.

Visiting AIT

On Sunday, March 16, a Japanese delegation led by Mr. Hirofumi Nakasone, Member of the House of Councillors, Parliament of Japan, visited AIT.

Mr. Nakasone was accompanied by executives from the Japan Alliance for Humanitarian Demining Support (JAHDS), namely Mr. Hiroshi Tomita, Executive Director and Secretary General, Mr. Hedeaki Asahi, Senior Advisor to JAHDS, Capt.

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor

I am pleased to announce the bestowal of the title of Emeritus Professor to Dr. Pisidhi Karasudhi. This award was endorsed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees at its meeting on March 10, 2003.

This award was made in recognition of Professor Pisidhi's outstanding international professorial status, significant contributions to the Institute through teaching, research, and community service, and his contributions in the areas of administration, promotion and development.

Reminders to Graduands

Reminders to Graduands





10 - 19 March 2003
Check list of graduands at the Registry Counter

24 March - 4 April 2003
Request for complete transcript
B 30.00 per copy
17 April 2003

Request for attested copy of degree certificate
B 20.00 per copy
17 April 2003

Request for graduation photographs
B 150.00
22 April 2003

17 April 2003
Rent of Gown & Hood
B 250
9.00 - 11.00 hr at Registry Office

17 April 2003
1000 hrs: GRADUATION REHEARSAL, AITCC Auditorium (graduands

1330 hrs: GRADUATION REHEARSAL, AITCC Auditorium (graduands
and faculty)

18 April 2003
0800 hrs: Photo Sessions, AITCC Auditorium

1030 hrs: 97th GRADUATION CEREMONY, AIT Conference Center

1300-1500 hrs: Return gowns & hoods to the Registry

Please submit RESEARCH STUDY/THESIS TITLE page to Registry as soon as it is finalized, preferably not later than March 28, 2003 (Friday). The Registry will check the details based on each student's record.

Information Technology Special Lecture on Essence of E-Government for High Ranking Officers, Thailand

Information Technology Special Lecture on Essence of E-Government for High Ranking Officers, Thailand

About 54 high-ranking officials (mostly C9-C10) of the Royal Thai Government who are involved with policy making and the development of information technology system in government agencies attended the Information Technology Special Lecture on Ã???Essence of E-GovernmentÃ???, held from March 12-14, 2003 at AIT.

The Special Lecture was organized by The Distributed Education Center of the Asian Institute of Technology(AIT) in collaboration with the Thai Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand.