AIT Conference Center Functions

AIT Conference Center Functions
20 - 24 January 2003

Group Name/Organizer

Mon. 20 Jan.

Human Resource Management Program
c/o Ms. Jing, SOM, Tel: 6635

Tue. 21 Jan.
Human Resource Management Program
c/o Ms. Jing, SOM, Tel: 6635

TV Room
ITE (Singapore) Presentation
c/o Dr. Anila, DSCA, Tel: 5064


AIT Orientation Day

AIT Orientation Day

On January 6, 2003, AIT had an orientation program for the new students admitted in the January 2003 intake at the AIT Conference Center. More than 300 new students, most of whom are enrolled in the School of Environment, Resources and Development.

Visiting AIT

On January 8, 2003, the delegation from Montclair State University (MSU) visited AIT. The delegation consists of Pres. Susan A. Cole; Dr. Gigliotti, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences; Dr. Masrina Cunningham, Director of the Global Education Center; Dr. Denneth Olenik, Professor of Asian History; Dr. Anne Marie di Lorenzo, Professor of Biology; Christopher Fitzpatrick, President of the Student Government and Inbal Kahanov, Managing Editor of the Student newspaper.

Doctoral Thesis Presentation

Doctoral Thesis Presentation
Mr. Kampanat Pensupar
(ARP967253), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Regional
and Rural Development Planning (RRDP), School of Environment, Resources and Development, will have his final examination on Wednesday, January 22, 2003, 9:00 a.m. in Room E109 (RRDP Meeting Room).

His dissertation is entitled: 'An Assessment of the Restructuring Agriculturing Production System Project (RAPS) in Det Udom District, Thailand.

AIT Conference Center Functions

AIT Conference Center Functions
02 - 06 sept 2002

Group Name/Organizer

Mon. 02 sept.
Impact of Integrated Rural Development (IIRD)
c/o K. Worawan / ARIM-AIT Extension, Tel: 5237

Summer Workshop on Bangkok Development
c/o K. Kanokrattana / UEM , Tel: 5600

Game Room
c/o Registrar

Game Room
WWF Meeting-Lunch
c/o K. Wareerat/WWF, Tel: 6168


Visiting AIT

Photo shows Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sazali Yaacob, second from left, Dean of the School of Engineering and Information Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, presenting a souvenir from Universiti Malaysia Sabah to Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost. Also in the photo is Assoc.

AIT Job Announcement

Staff position vacancies


1. Senior System Analyst/Project Leader
2. System Analyst
3. Web Graphic Designer
4. System/Network Administrator
5. Web Programmer


1. Research Fellow

School of Advanced Technologies

1. Laboratory Supervisor (ISE)
2. Laboratory Supervisor (Microelectronics)

School of Environment, Resources and Development

1. Research Assistant
2. Laboratory Supervisor

Physical Plant

1. Draftsman

To view details of the above vacancy, please visit: https://oldweb.

The Academic Advisory Panel Meeting

Prof. William C. Webster (second from left), Chairman of the Academic Advisory Panel and Vice Provost, University of California – Berkeley, USA; addressing the meeting. Also in the photo are from left: Prof. Yongyuth Yuthavong (left), Vice Chairman of the Academic Advisory Panel and Director of Thailand Graduate Institute of Science and Technology (TGIST), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA); Prof.