Medical Clinic Announcements

Medical Clinic Announcements

Please be informed that the staff members of the Physical Plant Department are requested to have their yearly medical check up at the AIT-Medical clinic during the month of August 2002.

The Thai Red Cross Society's bloodmobile is scheduled to obtain blood
donation on Thursday, 29 August 2002, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noontime,
at the parking lot infront of the AIT Conference Center.

The Fourth GMSARN Council of Advisors Meeting

Picture shows Dr.Tong-in Wongsothorn, Chairman of the GMSARN Council of Advisors, Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon (on the left) AIT Provost and GMSARN Director, and GMSARN Council members (below) during the fourth COA meeting.

The Fourth GMSARN Council
of Advisors Meeting
The Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network (GMSARN) Council of Advisors (COA) is pondering on a possible expansion of GMSARN partnership to more institutions in the GMS countries.


The Delegation from ASEAN Foundation and SEAMEO INNOTECH

July 18, 2002: Prof. Ruben C. Umaly, third from right, Executive Director, the ASEAN Foundation, and Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco, second from left, Director of SEAMEO INNOTECH, met Prof.

AIT Conference Center Functions

AIT Conference Center Functions 29 July - 02 August 2002

Group Name/Organizer

Mon. 15 Jul.

B 202

Peer Meeting
c/o Ms. Dawan /ADPC, Tel: 5352

B 206
Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation
(PM, M&E;)
c/o Mr. Pradeep/ARIM-AIT Extension, Tel: 5274

Game Room

IUCN's Asia Reorganisation Transition Team Meeting
c/o Ms. Rosa /IUCN, Tel: 6745 ext.

AITAA Research Grant

AITAA Research Grant

The AITAA Research Grant is supplemental to available funds at AIT enabling students to go back to their home country to work on problems of national importance.

The AITAA is now accepting applicants for the AITAA Research Grant who can satisfy the Selection Guidelines listed below:

AITAA Research Grant Selection Guidelines:

Select the best research topic to be based on the following priority areas:

Research on developing of technologies appropriate to the resources and needs of developing countries.

The Gender Equality Panel Meets for the First Time

Photo shows Prof. Mari Osawa, center, Chair of Gender Equality Panel, addressing the meeting, with Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President, and Dr. Bernadette Resurreccion of Gender and Development Studies Field of Study.

The Gender Equality Panel Meets
for the First Time

The first-ever meeting of AIT's Gender Equality Panel was held on Friday, July 12, 2002. The goals of the GEP, as agreed by the Board of Trustees at its April 25 2002 meeting, are broadly to promote gender equality in AIT's work, and to ensure that AIT's gender-related goals in research and education activities are met.

Presentation of Plaque of Appreciation

Presentation of Plaque of Appreciation
July 11, 2002: Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, right, AIT President , presented a plaque of appreciation to Mr. Claus Mogensen, Counsellor and Head of Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA) Section, The Royal Danish Embassy, in appreciation of his contribution towards the development of the region.

Honorary Visiting Professorship

Photo shows Prof. Tao Wenyi (right), President of Southern Yangtsu University, presenting the certificate of appointment to Prof. Salokhe.
Honorary Visiting Professorship
Prof. Vilas Salokhe (left) of Agricultural Systems and Engineering Field of Study, Agricultural & Aquatic Systems and Engineering Program, School of Environment, Resources and Development, was appointed as an honorary Visiting Professor during his recent visit to Southern Yangsu University, Wuxi, China.


Visiting AIT
Delegate from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Professor Dayantha Wijeyesekera (left) with Dr. Sohan Wijesekera at GIS Application Center.

July 7, 2002: Professor Dayantha Wijeyesekera, Vice Chancellor of University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka visited AIT's GIS Application Center.