An overwhelming number of participants (394 students) from Văn Lang University, Vietnam attended the 1st session of the "Video Resume" Workshop organized by the SDP office in coordination with Asian Institute of Technology, Center in Vietnam.
This two-week Online Education Camp and Study Tour held from 24 September to 7 October 2021, is the 3rd batch for the year. The event was organized by the Office of Special Degree Programs for the students who are from AIT’s partner universities in the Philippines and Indonesia – the Mariano Marcos State University, Visayas State University and Petra Christian University, respectively.
We are pleased to invite you to the Circular Economy Webinar Episode II: How to Deal with Non-Recycled Plastics? organized by the Embassy of Finland in Bangkok, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), and Ministry of Industry (MoI), Thailand.
Countries have come up with new policies on how to encourage recycling and use more of recyclable materials, how to replace single-use plastics, giving incentives for the development of bioplastics, and how to dispose of the remaining waste in a safe way
This webinar with the leading experts from Thailand and Finland aims to capture the robustness of these developments sharing the experiences and lessons learned.
October 31, 2021
Since January of 2020, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has spread across the world. The situation in Thailand was very stable last summer--with a minor outbreak in December—and all the way through the early part of 2021. Unfortunately, a fierce wave hit Thailand in April, but things are slowly improving.
By Nitipol Kiravanich
October 22nd, 2021 — The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) of the United Nations discussed a possible collaboration on social and technological development with an aim to eradicate digital divide together with accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via a hybrid seminar titled ‘Digital Infrastructure Development’, held online and on AIT campus.
By Mae Thiwari
October 27, 2021 — Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the University of Exeter launched a new research project entitled “Integrated Management of Flood and Drought in the Mun River Basin in Thailand,” following a successful collaboration of the three-year research project from 2018 – 2021 on “ENRICH: ENhancing ResIlienCe to future Hydro-meteorological extremes in the Mun river basin in Northeast of Thailand,” focusing on droughts.
Office of Public Affairs
October 15, 2021 – Following the launch of global database using advanced technologies to help farmers and policymakers decide which land is suitable for which crop under different agro-climatic, agro-edaphic and climate change scenarios, a user-friendly tool and technical training were provided to technical staff working at the national level from around the world to utilize the datasets and methodology for assessing land resource potential and constraints aiming to increase agriculture productivity and ultimately help to eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.
By Mae Thiwari
October 15, 2021 -- The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Distinguished Institute Speakers Series was launched on October 15, 2021, with President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Jin Liqun, speaking via Zoom on “Promoting Economic Development Through Multilateralism” to an audience from universities, embassies, private and public companies, government agencies, and NGOs from across the region.