Asia is the most disaster-prone area of the world. Impacting the region greatly through the loss of lives, infrastructure and livelihoods, disasters are compounded by the region’s high rate of urbanization.
On her maiden visit to the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), H.E. Ms. Saida Muna Tasneem described AIT as one of the most prestigious institutes of Asia. Visiting AIT for the first time on 3 February 2015, H.E. Ms. Tasneem remarked that not only was AIT the most prestigious institute of Southeast Asia, but it was one of the most prestigious in the Asia-Pacific region.
H.E. Mr. Paul Robilliard, Ambassador of Australia to the Kingdom of Thailand, called on the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Pathumthani Province on 2 February 2015. It was the diplomat’s first visit to the international institute since he assumed his diplomatic duties in Bangkok in October 2014.
Thai Pipe Industry Co., Ltd., will support a new full scholarship for a bachelor’s degree graduate of Virginia Military Institute (VMI), USA, to study for a master’s degree at AIT beginning in August 2015. It will be the first time in AIT’s history that a scholarship is earmarked for an American citizen.
Continuing with a concerted push into tapping resources from the private sector, the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has been successful in engaging SCG, ASEAN’s leading business conglomerate. In its meeting on 28 January 2015, the SCG Board has approved a donation of 10 million Baht towards the fundraising campaign for the modernization of the AIT Library. The donation from SCG, catapults the Library fundraising into big leagues, and brings good cheer in the New Year.
Water, energy and food, which constitute three of the most critical factors for human existence, were the issues under discussion at the two-day International Expert Workshop on Water Energy Food Nexus: Opportunities and Challenges in Mekong Region†organized at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on 22-23 January 2015.
The third batch of students from the JIS group of Institutions returned to India after completing their Winter training program at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). At a function organized at AIT on 15-16 January 2015, the students displayed their creative talents at a cultural program organized to mark the conclusion of their training.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), H.E. Dr. Subin Pinkayan has been featured in the cover of eWeekly magazine, a popular Thai language publication of Post Today newspaper. Based on an interview conducted by the eWeekly team with Dr. Subin, the interview features the Board Chairman on the cover and inside cover of the 20-26 December 2014 edition.