Unveiling the Post 2015 paradigm shift in Disaster Risk Management

The development agenda after 2015 will witness a paradigm shift with natural disasters and climate change becoming inseparable from the macro-economy. Mapping these changes was Dr. Puji Pujiono, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction Section, of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) at a seminar organized on 13 March 2014 by the Disaster Preparedness Mitigation and Management (DPMM) field of study at the Asian Institute of Technology.

Ten officials from DPR Korea undergo four-week “Road Safety and Traffic Management” program at AIT

Ten engineers and transport officials from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea participated in a UNESCAP-supported training program on “Road Safety and Traffic Management” at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) from 10 February – 6 March 2014. The participants came from the Ministry of Land and Environment and the Institute of Road Design, DPRK.

12 students from Sri Lanka to join AIT’s program in Bio Systems Engineering in September 2014

Twelve students from Sri Lanka’s South Asian Institute of Technology and Management (SAITM) will join AIT for their third year of Bachelor’s program on Bio Systems Engineering in September 2014. Beginning the next academic session, these students will be at AIT’s School of Environment, Resources and Engineering (SERD), where they will complete their third and fourth years of the program. SERD will also host 40 students next year in the same program.

Seminar decodes Algal Potential as Fuel, Food and as a Chemical

Twelve students from Sri Lanka’s South Asian Institute of Technology and Management (SAITM) will join AIT for their third year of Bachelor’s program on Bio Systems Engineering in September 2014. Beginning the next academic session, these students will be at AIT’s School of Environment, Resources and Engineering (SERD), where they will complete their third and fourth years of the program. SERD will also host 40 students next year in the same program.

AIT hosts International Young Researchers’ Workshop on ‘River Basin Environment and Management’ in Asia

In the era of climate change, water management is a critical issue facing countries in Asia. Water engineers and scientists must apply their knowledge, collaborate, find agreement and network to solve numerous problems impacting millions, senior experts told an international workshop of young researchers at the Asian Institute of Technology on 8-9 February 2014.